About Chess for girls
As many of you know already, for the last three years, I have been holding the NJ All-Girls Chess Camp - a one-day program that caters to young, interested (sometimes even completely non-interested) future female chess players in hopes of exposing them to the game or helping to retain their interest in it. Since the camp is 100% free to all participants, I hope that you would be willing to help donate in order to help provide each player with a t-shirt, chess set, and a beginner's training book. Every dollar would be greatly appreciated.
For those of you new here, the camp is one of many steps I hope to take in order to help close the huge gender gap in the game of chess. If you look at the top rated female player my age in the US, their rating is maybe about 2200 but if you look at the top male player my age, their rating is somewhere around 2600. With this camp and hopefully later on branches in various states (if interested in helping organize one in other states, please contact me at [email protected]), I am hoping to inspire and spread my love of chess to more young girls in hopes of at least increasing the number of female players and helping them find other players of the same gender around them, and perhaps even to help the next top female player in the US to discover the game.
For those of you new here, the camp is one of many steps I hope to take in order to help close the huge gender gap in the game of chess. If you look at the top rated female player my age in the US, their rating is maybe about 2200 but if you look at the top male player my age, their rating is somewhere around 2600. With this camp and hopefully later on branches in various states (if interested in helping organize one in other states, please contact me at [email protected]), I am hoping to inspire and spread my love of chess to more young girls in hopes of at least increasing the number of female players and helping them find other players of the same gender around them, and perhaps even to help the next top female player in the US to discover the game.
Praise for the 2022 Camp
Thank you for the opportunity, Maya loved the chess camp. - Nilesh
Thank you for doing the camp. Naina enjoyed it and look forward to it next year again. I was wondering if you had any thoughts about doing an All-Girls NJ tournament. Since you have your father to help as TD it maybe a manageable event for you. - Madhuri
Thank you so much for offering this opportunity to our girls. They had a wonderful time and learned so much. Importantly, they also got to socialize and make friends in the chess community. Your story, and that of the other volunteers, is very inspiring to young impressionable girls. I am hoping to get them involved in chess opportunities in our local area (Springfield and Morristown) in the future. - Kate
Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful camp. My daughter Hannah loved it and had so much fun. Hopefully it will keep her excited to continue to play chess. Can't wait till camp next year! Thanks again! - Cindy
Thank you Alice! The camp left an indelible impression on Leonor. Hope to do it again. Happy holidays! - Shari-Ann
Praise for the 2018 Camp
我俩女儿六岁半,在西城中文学校初级国像班学了半年棋。很幸运在初学时就赶上昨天这个十载难逢的all girls camp,短短几个小时,安排很紧凑,简短的教练介绍之后,小姑娘们按学棋程度被分成三组,以Alice为首的七位教练对这三组分别授课,讲puzzles、对弈、分析经典棋局,三个教室里的小女孩们个个都认真地听、抢着举手回答问题。几位少女教练轻松活泼地、由浅入深地引领大家的思路。没想到几个小时下来,我俩女儿不光能坐住,还一直很认真地听讲、对弈。出来后她们说感觉这几个小时像一分钟那么短。一看到几位十几岁的少女教练,就觉得她们卓尔不群,比实际年龄成熟。从内往外透着自信、睿智、从容、坚毅的美丽。教棋过程中面对小小孩问的各种问题以及处理几件小小的突发事件,看得出来稳重、机智、豁达、耐心已经融入了她们的性格。我女儿如果通过学棋,将来也能培养出这些品质中的一二的话,我会非常为她们骄傲!算了,先不展望未来了,就说说昨天从camp离开后去上中文学校,在象棋课的棋赛上,我俩娃分别战胜两个男孩,有史以来第一次在班上赢棋。下课后很兴奋,详细地讲了怎样开局不利时没有慌,沉着地想出来扭转败局的一招。另一个娃则在通盘劣势中没有放弃,抓住机会check mate了。昨天晚上她们说今天是很开心的一天。今天早上坚持穿着昨天发的all girls chess camp T-shirt去上学了,还要去小朋友们中间显摆一下昨天得的有“世界冠军”签名的棋盘。不知道她们将来会在学棋路上走多远,但是通过昨天难忘的经历,她们开始感受到了学棋的乐趣。印象深刻的是昨天几位少女冠军介绍自己时,无一不说感恩下棋带给自己的智力提升、丰富阅历和与遍布全世界的棋友友谊。我当时想:只有感恩吗?汗水、泪水、想放弃的时刻呢?现在我明白了,当她们不畏难、不放弃,战胜了对手,也战胜了自己后,才是最高兴,也是最感恩学棋的时候。这种坚毅的性格,必会帮助其它各方面的学习。希望我娃学棋路上快乐多一点,泪水少一点,泪水之后的快乐,多多益善。再次感谢董老师和Alice驱车四小时为我们送来福利,感谢凤凰棋社娅娅和罗老师赞助组织这次活动,感谢娅娅一家和六位本地女教练的无私付出。
- Wen
Praise for the 2017 Camp
Thanks for the Chesskid membership. My two girls are enjoying it.
They really like Alice's chess camp. They become more interested in playing chess because of the camp. In addition to learning chess tactics, their confidence is boosted, knowing that they do not need to fear male-dominated
subjects like chess, math,or sports. Alice is a wonderful role model for the girls to face challenges in life: if you work hard, you get it.
- Tim
Thank you to host the all girl chess camp. My 6 years daughter had a lot of the fun!
- Jianhong
Praise for the 2016 Camp
Thank you so much for your time and dedication to getting young girls involved in chess. My daughter had never played and came home excited and played right away with her father. At some point she got the message that chess was hard and that she might not be able to learn. She doesn't feel that way now. Thank you again!
- Beth
Thank you all for organizing such a wonderful event. Happy holidays to you and yours as well!
- Anna
Thank you Alice. Mikayla enjoyed it. It was a long day but she said she had fun. Thanks for opening her eyes and allowing her to learn to play chess
Happy holidays.
- Jason
My daughter had a lot of fun today. Thanks for putting together the event
- Jennifer
Chloe had a amazing time and it was such a great experience for her. She’s looking forward to the next one.
Thank you,
- Michael
The New York Times Coverage of the 2015 Camp
A Chess Prodigy, a Mentor and Still a Teenage Girl
Praise for the 2015 Camp
Hi Alice, I wanted express our gratitude for accepting my children into this event. This was a rare and beneficial opportunity for girls to come together to learn and/or enhance their skills. The time that you and your team devoted in making this day a success, is greatly appreciated!
- Stacey
Thank you for organizing the program. My daughters, Ananya and Advika thoroughly enjoyed the event.
Please pass our thanks to Maryia, Rakshaa and Angelica.
- Balaji
Thank you so much for the wonderful day of chess, encouragement and opportunities you provided to all the girls on Sunday! My daughter, Rina, developed a love of chess after a summer camp at Brookdale this past summer vacation, and it was great for her to see you and the other volunteers at such a great level of chess.
- Kavita
USCF Coverage of the 2014 Camp
Jersey Girl Organizes All-Girls Chess Camp
Praise for the 2014 Camp
I wanted to thank you for putting this event together. My grandaughter attended and enjoyed the camp. It was great for her to meet new friends and play chess!
- Marilyn
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity you gave my daughter Alexa and the other girls to be introduce to chess. This was my daughter's first time playing chess and she LOVED IT!! This were her words : I never thought chess coup be so much fun, I love it.
Keep up the excellence work your doing.
- Fidelina
Thank you for a great workshop!
- Stacy
Thank You Alice. Both my girls enjoyed and seemed to have learnt a lot.
- Balaji
Thank you so much for putting this camp together! Sophie had a wonderful time, met some lovely new friends and of course worked on advancing her chess skills. Wishing you the best at all you do!
- Connie
Just wanted you to know that Shannen had a fantastic time today! She couldn't wait to get home and show her father what she learned today. You run an excellent program and I'm so glad she was able to take part in it today.
- Lisa
Thank you! I think Maria learned a lot because she went up almost 300 points from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon.
- Dean
Thank you for the opportunity, Maya loved the chess camp. - Nilesh
Thank you for doing the camp. Naina enjoyed it and look forward to it next year again. I was wondering if you had any thoughts about doing an All-Girls NJ tournament. Since you have your father to help as TD it maybe a manageable event for you. - Madhuri
Thank you so much for offering this opportunity to our girls. They had a wonderful time and learned so much. Importantly, they also got to socialize and make friends in the chess community. Your story, and that of the other volunteers, is very inspiring to young impressionable girls. I am hoping to get them involved in chess opportunities in our local area (Springfield and Morristown) in the future. - Kate
Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful camp. My daughter Hannah loved it and had so much fun. Hopefully it will keep her excited to continue to play chess. Can't wait till camp next year! Thanks again! - Cindy
Thank you Alice! The camp left an indelible impression on Leonor. Hope to do it again. Happy holidays! - Shari-Ann
Praise for the 2018 Camp
我俩女儿六岁半,在西城中文学校初级国像班学了半年棋。很幸运在初学时就赶上昨天这个十载难逢的all girls camp,短短几个小时,安排很紧凑,简短的教练介绍之后,小姑娘们按学棋程度被分成三组,以Alice为首的七位教练对这三组分别授课,讲puzzles、对弈、分析经典棋局,三个教室里的小女孩们个个都认真地听、抢着举手回答问题。几位少女教练轻松活泼地、由浅入深地引领大家的思路。没想到几个小时下来,我俩女儿不光能坐住,还一直很认真地听讲、对弈。出来后她们说感觉这几个小时像一分钟那么短。一看到几位十几岁的少女教练,就觉得她们卓尔不群,比实际年龄成熟。从内往外透着自信、睿智、从容、坚毅的美丽。教棋过程中面对小小孩问的各种问题以及处理几件小小的突发事件,看得出来稳重、机智、豁达、耐心已经融入了她们的性格。我女儿如果通过学棋,将来也能培养出这些品质中的一二的话,我会非常为她们骄傲!算了,先不展望未来了,就说说昨天从camp离开后去上中文学校,在象棋课的棋赛上,我俩娃分别战胜两个男孩,有史以来第一次在班上赢棋。下课后很兴奋,详细地讲了怎样开局不利时没有慌,沉着地想出来扭转败局的一招。另一个娃则在通盘劣势中没有放弃,抓住机会check mate了。昨天晚上她们说今天是很开心的一天。今天早上坚持穿着昨天发的all girls chess camp T-shirt去上学了,还要去小朋友们中间显摆一下昨天得的有“世界冠军”签名的棋盘。不知道她们将来会在学棋路上走多远,但是通过昨天难忘的经历,她们开始感受到了学棋的乐趣。印象深刻的是昨天几位少女冠军介绍自己时,无一不说感恩下棋带给自己的智力提升、丰富阅历和与遍布全世界的棋友友谊。我当时想:只有感恩吗?汗水、泪水、想放弃的时刻呢?现在我明白了,当她们不畏难、不放弃,战胜了对手,也战胜了自己后,才是最高兴,也是最感恩学棋的时候。这种坚毅的性格,必会帮助其它各方面的学习。希望我娃学棋路上快乐多一点,泪水少一点,泪水之后的快乐,多多益善。再次感谢董老师和Alice驱车四小时为我们送来福利,感谢凤凰棋社娅娅和罗老师赞助组织这次活动,感谢娅娅一家和六位本地女教练的无私付出。
- Wen
Praise for the 2017 Camp
Thanks for the Chesskid membership. My two girls are enjoying it.
They really like Alice's chess camp. They become more interested in playing chess because of the camp. In addition to learning chess tactics, their confidence is boosted, knowing that they do not need to fear male-dominated
subjects like chess, math,or sports. Alice is a wonderful role model for the girls to face challenges in life: if you work hard, you get it.
- Tim
Thank you to host the all girl chess camp. My 6 years daughter had a lot of the fun!
- Jianhong
Praise for the 2016 Camp
Thank you so much for your time and dedication to getting young girls involved in chess. My daughter had never played and came home excited and played right away with her father. At some point she got the message that chess was hard and that she might not be able to learn. She doesn't feel that way now. Thank you again!
- Beth
Thank you all for organizing such a wonderful event. Happy holidays to you and yours as well!
- Anna
Thank you Alice. Mikayla enjoyed it. It was a long day but she said she had fun. Thanks for opening her eyes and allowing her to learn to play chess
Happy holidays.
- Jason
My daughter had a lot of fun today. Thanks for putting together the event
- Jennifer
Chloe had a amazing time and it was such a great experience for her. She’s looking forward to the next one.
Thank you,
- Michael
The New York Times Coverage of the 2015 Camp
A Chess Prodigy, a Mentor and Still a Teenage Girl
Praise for the 2015 Camp
Hi Alice, I wanted express our gratitude for accepting my children into this event. This was a rare and beneficial opportunity for girls to come together to learn and/or enhance their skills. The time that you and your team devoted in making this day a success, is greatly appreciated!
- Stacey
Thank you for organizing the program. My daughters, Ananya and Advika thoroughly enjoyed the event.
Please pass our thanks to Maryia, Rakshaa and Angelica.
- Balaji
Thank you so much for the wonderful day of chess, encouragement and opportunities you provided to all the girls on Sunday! My daughter, Rina, developed a love of chess after a summer camp at Brookdale this past summer vacation, and it was great for her to see you and the other volunteers at such a great level of chess.
- Kavita
USCF Coverage of the 2014 Camp
Jersey Girl Organizes All-Girls Chess Camp
Praise for the 2014 Camp
I wanted to thank you for putting this event together. My grandaughter attended and enjoyed the camp. It was great for her to meet new friends and play chess!
- Marilyn
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity you gave my daughter Alexa and the other girls to be introduce to chess. This was my daughter's first time playing chess and she LOVED IT!! This were her words : I never thought chess coup be so much fun, I love it.
Keep up the excellence work your doing.
- Fidelina
Thank you for a great workshop!
- Stacy
Thank You Alice. Both my girls enjoyed and seemed to have learnt a lot.
- Balaji
Thank you so much for putting this camp together! Sophie had a wonderful time, met some lovely new friends and of course worked on advancing her chess skills. Wishing you the best at all you do!
- Connie
Just wanted you to know that Shannen had a fantastic time today! She couldn't wait to get home and show her father what she learned today. You run an excellent program and I'm so glad she was able to take part in it today.
- Lisa
Thank you! I think Maria learned a lot because she went up almost 300 points from Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon.
- Dean
Donate to Support
Since the camp is 100% free to all participants, I hope that you would be willing to help donate in order to help provide each player with a t-shirt, chess set, and a beginner's training book. Every dollar would be greatly appreciated.